A successful man said that a person should follow their passion. Okay he wasn't the first person I have heard say this. But I have always agreed that it made sense. So that led to me asking myself why I'm not blogging more. I have always wanted to be a writer. Given the opportunity why wasn't I doing it? I looked at the passion question. Is my passion writing or sharing thoughts, or telling a story? I think it is the sharing of thoughts the telling of a story, the meeting of minds. When I look at it that way. It makes me want to blog. I was looking at it as WRITING. It had an ominous sound to it. It was all bound up with duty and shoulds. You know like your mother or teacher used to say "You should do so and so". Nothing kills motivation for me like the "shoulds". But if it sounds fun or rewarding I want to do it. Sharing ideas or thoughts or stories sounds fun to me, rewarding.
So here I am sharing with you these thoughts. This line of thinking led me to the thought. How often do we make serving God a duty? A should? Of course we should serve him. But if we focus on the works are we much more than the pharisees? They were so bound with rules and shoulds. They had so little love and joy. Are we any different than someone following a religion that has a god that is dead? They go to extremes in serving. If we focus on loving God and on the pure joy and love of knowing him how much better off we will be. If we fall in love with him and spend time with him. We will naturally serve him and each other but it grows out of following our passion for him. Not out of duty but out of love. If you are feeling like you are only following the "shoulds" in your service return to your passion your first love. Return your focus on Jesus. He is so inspiring! Loving him is pure joy.
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